ozzy's post
Just Checking In
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Ozzy's been doing well. Hanging in there, really. I still get nervous when we go in for his lab tests (we're down to every four months at this point, since he's been doing so well). His last labs looked pretty good, kidney function-wise. He is holding steady just above normal. The thing we have to start watching, though, is his red blood cell count. If he gets too low with that, we'll have to think about injections. It's hard to think about subjecting him to one more thing, but I really have to just take it one step at a time or I'll make myself sick with worry.
Another thing that we are dealing with for the first time is traveling for a longer-than-three-days period of time. When we go away for a short trip, we can adjust Ozzy's fluid administrations so that he still gets what he needs for the week. This summer, we'll be going on a 10-day trip, which means we can't just let Ozzy go without fluids. This has added a layer of stress that already accompanies planning for a trip. My vet recommended a pet sitter that is comfortable with administering fluids.
She and I spoke on the phone and she sounds great. Our plan is to have an in-person meeting in the next month so that she can watch my routine with giving Ozzy his fluids, then another in-person meeting for her to try it out with me there. I thought this was going to cost an arm and a leg, but she is only charging $18 per visit! I am relieved to a point. I'll be more relieved when I see her able to give Ozzy fluids without getting her eyes scratched out (did I mention that Ozzy actually has a note in his vet chart that techs MUST take maximum precautions or risk serious injury?). I'll keep you updated.
On a wonderful note, the Ozzy Foundation now has an Advisory Board! I will blog in the next couple of days with descriptions of our Advisory Board members (they are super-cool).
Be Well, Everyone.
Labels: advisory board, pet sitter, travel
posted by Ozzy at 6:46 PM

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