ozzy's post
Another successful Garage Sale
Sunday, August 23, 2009
We raised a little over $400 in this garage sale. The proceeds will benefit animals that are dealing with a health crisis. To date, we have been able to help five dogs (about one a month), who are doing quite well, thanks to the loving care of their guardians.
I met an incredible woman named Kathleen at our garage sale (through Stella, who has known her for a while), who is quite linked in to the Whittier animal community. I think the Ozzy Foundation will be able to do some great things by collaborating with both Kathleen and Stella and their circle of people.
Although we will likely slow down a bit from now until the end of the year, we will take the time to celebrate an incredible 2009 and gear up for a productive 2010. If any of you out there have ideas about how we can make an even bigger impact in 2010, please contact us!
Labels: fundraiser, garage sale, volunteers
posted by Ozzy at 8:32 PM

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